Plant - Plant Extract

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The basic unit of structure and function in almost all plant. while plant cells are variously adapted in structure and function, they have many general features. The most distinctive aspect of all plant cells is the inflexible cell wall, which is missing in animal cells. The range of occupation and the character of association of plant cells is very wide. In the simplest plant form a single cell constitute a whole organism and carries out all the life functions. In just slightly more complex form, cells are connected structurally, but each cell appears to carry out the fundamental life functions, although certain ones may be dedicated for participation in reproductive processes. In the most advanced plants, cells are associated in functionally specialized tissues, and associated tissues make up organs such as the leaves, stem, and root.
Plant or animal cells are composed of the same fundamental ingredient nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and various inorganic substances and organized in the same elementary way. A quality of their organization is the presence of unit membranes composed of phospholipids and associated proteins and in some instance nucleic acids.
Perhaps the most prominent and positively the most deliberate of the features peculiar to plant cells is the presence of plastids. The plastids are membrane-bound organelles with an inner membrane system. Chlorophylls and other pigments are associated with the inner membrane system.
Cell types:
Parenchyma cells :
Parechymacells are living cells that have assorted functions ranging from storage space and maintain to photosynthesis and phloem loading (transfer cells).
Collenchyma cells :
Collenchyma cells are alive at adulthood and have only a primary wall. These cells mature from meristem derivatives that at first resemble parenchyma, but difference rapidly become obvious.
Sclerenchyma cells:
Sclerenchyma cells are hard and tough cells with a function in automatic support. They are of two broad types - sclereids or stone cells and fibres.

Comments (1)

A plant extract is a substance or active substance of a desired property extracted from plant tissue by treatment for a specific purpose. Plant extracts can be used in a variety of areas including health foods, therapeutic drugs, cosmetics, Plant Extract

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